Monday, January 2, 2012

Boulder Badge!

So I just got my first badge. I probably spent way to much time leveling, but in reality I was a few levels lower than all of Brock's pokemon. Stupid Brock.

I basically used Leech Seed and then tackle tackle tackle until they were dead. Grass is not very effective against Rock, lol.

Pokemon caught: Rattata, Pidgey, Caterpie, Weedle, Pikachu
Evolved: Caterpie - Metapod - Butterfree (cause even I know Butterfree is badass); Weedle - Kakuna - Beedrill (why not complete the insect set?)

Save Data:
Badges: 1
Pokedex: 10
Time: 4:56

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Turning on Gameboy 4:04
Starting new game: 4:05
Name: Gato (I usually pick this for pokemon games)
Rival Name: Satan (an odd habit I picked up from my ex bf, I can't remember why though)

"I remember his name now, his name is Satan!"

(Obligatory joke about not remember his own grandson's name)

Pokemon chosen: Bulbasaur
Nickname: Tentacles

Lets Play this Bish!
Time 4:18

Update: Jeeze Satan, it sure seems like a bad idea to pokemon battle inside! What a douche!
Update x2: Ugh I lost, I should have used Growl first, and then Tackled him to death while he couldn't hit me as hard. Lesson learned.

Pokemon Blue. Go!

So I'll be starting Blue in a little bit here. After we go out for breakfast, dear god so hungry.

I'll be playing on this bad boy
This technically belongs to one of my best friends, but I've been borrowing it for so long that I like to joke that it is no longer 'Ryan's Gamboy', but just coincidentally has the same name as him, so it is now 'Ryan the Gameboy'

I will be trying to stay away from walkthroughs as much as possible, but I did make a kind of cheat sheet. And here is a link! I will keep you informed if I need any walkthroughs or cheats.

Oh and I also found this.

Ok, my friends are waiting on me to leave for IHOP, laters.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

What's this all about?

The Challenge:

Play through one game from each Pokemon generation in a year.

The Games:

Blue, HeartGold, Emerald, Platinum, Black (and yes I'm counting remakes, I also have FireRed, which if I get through everything I'll go back and play as well.)

The Reason:

So I've been collecting all these Pokemon games, and yet I have not finished a single one! At most I will get half way through before becoming distracted, and by the time I get back to the game, I have no idea where I am or what I ought to be doing. So here I am challenging myself to play them.


I will not be doing the Nuzlocke Challenge. I will try to catch as many pokemon as I can. I will be trying to complete each game as completely as possible, but mostly getting through the Elite Four at least. 

I'll update about which new pokemon I've caught and when I evolve them, probably any funny anecdotes I come up with storywise per game.

2012 is a leap year so I have roughly 73.2 days to finish each game.
73.2 days is about 10.5 weeks, which is 2 months, 2 weeks, 3 days(ish)

Here is my basic timeline of when each game should be finished:

Blue - March 13th
HeartGold - May 25th
Emerald - August 6th
Platinum - Oct 18st
Black - Dec 31st